Human Trafficking in New Jersey Schools

By Joe Bisicchia
State sources reveal human trafficking recruitment is happening in New Jersey schools.  The FBI would only confirm that they are investigating cases of high school aged children who are not enrolled in school being lured or coerced into the sex trade.

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2 Responses to Human Trafficking in New Jersey Schools

  1. drothschild says:

    I believe this is the tip of the ice-berg,so to speak. Check out higher education,intimidated teachers and Profs.,divorced women and their children,the elderly,the handicapped and the mental health facilities.I wonder who has read the news over the past 4 years and the book the Soprano State,….no one around here talks about that and the movie just came out as well? People have made comments out of the blue like……”they tell you who you can and cannot be friends with”? Who are “they”? Did this woman say they don’t put it in the news when children are kidnapped,raped and killed….to protect others??

  2. drothschild says:

    First of all…..kidnapping,rape and being sold is “NOT” a TRADE! She makes it sound like an extra-curricular activity that only happens to run aways or in homes where children are abused! I know this is not the case…this is about opportunity,crime and money…not about the girls “situation” or anything that th girls have done.Fact;people know but look away out of fear and a subculture that rationalizes the abuse of girls,it’s outrageous! I hope the investigation helps as many women,boys and girls as possible.

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